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Name Zaneta
Age 16








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October 2008- January 2009-



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Weeellll!!!! SOOO many people asked me to post something up on the blog so wellllll there is something to post i shall do it!

On the first day...

I wore a pink red boyfriend tee with skinnys, a gold pair of heels and a pink hat to top it off! haha! Visited my grandma and ate lunch there. On the first day is usually vegetarian dish so yea ate lots of vegetables! Then, went over to my maternal side grandma's house. There i met all my cousins!!! Missed them so much! After much talking and playing AND receiving lots of ang bao, we all went to my granduncle's place. It was really far! All the way to commonwealth! It was one of the older estates. Went there go bai nian then went to the playground had so much fun playing with my cousins and hanging out with the older cousin it was soon to go home! SO SAD!!! How i wished a day is 48 hours! then i would have sooo much time! Went home and counted how much i collected my ang baos and i shan't tell you how much i got.

Second day...
This is what i wore on the second day. Green long shirt with tights and a beanie. Simple and no make up cause today i will be playing around as i go visiting to my cousins' house. Same like the first day. Went to my grandma house. Today is mostly meat! Had scallops and abalone and chicken and prawns! MMM! DELICIOUS! haha. Had great fun!!!! SO tired and so stupid mans tmr i have to go to school already.... so irritating! Y is SINGAPORE so STINGY with holidays!!!Can't they just give us 3 more days of hols? PLus, tmr i have training... and the following day i have a match.... going back to being so busy! Y can't i enjoy my teenage life? Somemore teacher gave us sooo much homework during the hols then wat man! this call hols ar give homework. might as well go to school and study.... heck i'm not doing any work. It CHINESE NEW YEAR MAN!!! read the words carefully and no one works on CHINESE NEW YEAR.... anyways... got to go. Have to sleep early tonight and wake up freaking early tomorrow!!!! ARGH!!! ok.. bYE!!

10:38 PM

Monday, October 13, 2008

After the movie, Farah rushed off to TKSS for some performance rehearsals. So left the 3 of us. We decided to be kids again and went to Toys 'R' Us! It was near halloween so played around with the costumes and hats haha! So much Fun! After that, we were all so tired and decided to go home. What a DAY! Phew!

After that went to the bowling. Such a suckish place la. Play halfway can break down one. Like one time, Jinlin rolled her second ball and left I think about 1 or 2 pins. Then somehow the system did not pick up that throw and she had another chance. Not fair la! She went again and it was counted as a spare la! But anyway... I still beat her! I won both games!! Haha I'm such a pro. Duh... Haha. After playing we went to eat Burger King. The cinema then was opened so we bought the tickets and watched house bunny!!! Haha it was so cuuuteee and fuuunnnyyy. Teaching us how to be ourselves and not try to be someone else. It also tells us not to be so proud and boastful cause if you are liked that, people would only like you for a short while maybe for your stuff? Whereas when you be yourself, people would then like you for who you are cause you have nothing to hide!

WWOOOOHOOO!!! Last paper and end of year exam has finally ended. Me, ShuXin, JinLin and Farah went to Marina Square to go watch movie. However so sad.... we were ssoooooo early that the cinema has NOT open!!!! What to do? Haiyo... walked around loh.. no choice. First went to the toilet and take photo. Take Take Take... then enough went to walk around. When going to marina square we played those machine where its famous for cheating money haha. The Crane Game. Somehow we put in money and Jinlin happened to hit the right timing, she had a bonus chance! So many times bonus chance la. Then still cannot but sooooo close. After we added another coin... OOOOOHHHHH HHHHOOOOOOO! Manage to get it!! We shouted so loud that some people looked at us. So paiseh.

1:22 AM

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hahahah... All of us have a deprived childhood! Except for farah. What a grown up! I dun wanna go grow too fast if not a lot of stress one. that's wat i hate!hahaha. It was after exam so needa take a break if not will go mad! so we decided to play at the playground to do some stress reliving before going back to study. We had lots of fun and farah and me kept suaning Jinlin and ShuXin. but espcially Jinlin with her big.... I shall not say if not she will come and kill me!!! I such a good friend loh...hehehe. After playplayplay we went to walkwalkwalk to the bus stop to take the bus then went home to continue studying....


10:32 PM